Image sizes

On this site, the standard image sizes are as follows…

  • Images required for the home page slideshow widget should be 735px x 283px.
  • Images that span the centre column should be 470px wide (large). You can hang pictures narrower than this to either side of the main column – but this is likely to look best (more…)

I'm a sample Snippet

I’m a sample Snippet

I’m nothing but a Post that’s been written for use as a page extra. My ID is 1271.

To place me at the top of the right-hand column, all you need to do is add this Custom Field to the page:

Name: right-0-post

Value: ids = 1271

Page regions

On this site, the defined page regions where you can add page extras are…

  • left: the left column
  • right: the right column
  • top: an optional area across the top of the centre column above the page title

In addition, the Home page has three further areas defined…

  • 2coltop: an optional area across the top of the centre and right columns
  • mid: an area at the top of the main column
  • bottom: the next area down in the main column

Internal links

To do an internal link to the Donate Cash Today page, you would use '/take-action/donate/donate-cash-today' as the link.

Logging in

To log in and get to the ‘behind the scenes’ part of the site, go to
. Alternatively, click the ‘Admin login’ link at the foot of the page, log in and then choose an item from the Admin Bar at the top of the page.

RSS feed example

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