Vertical scroller widget

What it does: Lets you insert a set of posts as vertically sliding panels. Often used as links to other parts of the site.

Set up with: Custom Field left-0-vscroller, right-0-vscroller etc, or shortcode-vscroller.

Modes: This widget can operate in either of two modes. In the default Posts mode, the ids parameter specifies a set of posts to display. In List mode, the cat parameter specifies a post category to display – and most of the other parameters of the List widget can also be used.

Parameters: The values shown are examples only.
ids = 19,21,23,25  (REQUIRED FOR POSTS MODE)

ppv = 2  (optional, default=1)
heading = A vertical scroller  (optional)
img_size = 150  (optional, default=100)
style = basic  (optional)
speed = 8500  (optional, default=500)
interval = 0  (optional, default=5000)

type=excerpts (List mode: optional) default: titles
order=ASC (List mode: optional) default: DESC
show_posts=-1 (List mode: optional) default: 5
format=d (List mode: optional) default: <no adjustments>
status=future (List mode: optional) default: publish

Notes: Hovering over the widget pauses the scrolling action.

ids is simply a list of IDs of the posts to display.

ppv stands for “posts per view” and specifies the number of posts that are visible at each step.

heading inserts an h2 heading.

img_size resizes the existing square thumbnails for use in the posts.

speed is the time in milliseconds for the slide to change

interval is the pause in milliseconds between slide changes

For details of the List mode optional parameters, see the List widget.

Slideshow vs News ticker: Omitting the speed and interval parameters results in a vertical slide show with a significant pause before a rapid slide change. Alternatively, setting speed = 8500, interval = 0 and ppv = 1 results in a slow ‘News ticker’ effect. Some older browsers may implement the ‘News ticker’ effect with occasional pauses – you may need to experiment with the settings to minimise jerkiness.


A vertical scroller

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